
Showing posts from November, 2015



Community-based HIV testing services (CHTS); An Innovative Strategy to End the AIDS Pandemic

3 minutes Read 51%  HIV testing reach is limited; only an estimated 51% of people with HIV know their infection status-(WHO)  About 25 per cent of the 35 million people globally estimated to be living with HIV were not aware of their infection, because of a lack of testing. 1.2 million People in the United States, 71,300 in Canada# (Public Health Agency of Canada's website) and 3.4 million in Nigeria (UNAIDS). Today, we live in fragile communities where inequities can persist when essential services don’t reach the people in need. To change this dynamic we must quicken the pace of action. We know that strengthening local services to reach key populations will lead to healthier and more resilient societies.* CHTS is one of the integrative ways to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of ending the AIDS pandemic by 2030. CHTS is designed to reach key populations right at their door steps. Related Story; 6 reasons you should Get Tested for HIV. What is HTS? HIV testing services (HTS)

European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week: 20–27 November 2015; Know Your Status

 3 minutes Read #STOPtheSTIGMA #KnowYourHIVstatus #TheTIMEtoACTisNOW Illness of any kind can be psychologically overwhelming; be it HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis. Shock, disbelief/denial, confusion, shame, anger, isolation,depression, anxiety, substance abuse and stigma/discrimination and suicide/suicidal attempt or thoughts are some of the psychological effects reported with PLWHA(People Living with HIV/AIDS).  Do you know that an estimated 2.5 million people are living with HIV? Yet 30–50% are unaware of their HIV status at the European Region*. If you live the European Region make use of this opportunity to get tested and know your HIV status. "This year, European Testing Week (20–27 November 2015) comes at an important time as it provide opportunities for exploring effective ways of increasing awareness and access to testing, including the integration of hepatitis testing into existing HIV testing services and vice versa, where appropriate*." HIV Status More than 709 organisati

Hollywood Actor Charlie Sheen's HIV disclosure reflects the Psychological Effects of Living with HIV

Actor  Sheen  tells the world he's HIV-positive after spending  millions to keep it secret   "Having HIV is not yet free of bigotry and hatred by other people, even though it is much, much less than 30 years ago  when Rock Hudson first declared his HIV status "- Dr. Philip Berger, the medical director at the Inner City Health Program St. Michael's Hospital Toronto. Shock, disbelief/denial, confusion, shame, anger, isolation,depression, anxiety, substance abuse and stigma/discrimination and suicide/suicidal attempt or thoughts are some of the psychological effects reported with PLWHA(People Living with HIV/AIDS). However, it is my submission that on-going post-counselling and follow-up effective follow-up of referrals for persons who test HIV positive during HIV Testing Services (HTS) will provide the much needed psychosocial support for PLWHA. Treatment intervention for PLWHA is most effective with an aggressive care and support component. This will enable P