Father Beats and Burn Cancer Surviving Baby to Death- 13 Myths About Mental illness You Must Know

Maddox Lawrence had battled and beaten cancer There is a common adage that says "better the enemy you know that the friend you do not know". The sad story of two years old Maddox Lawrence well illustrate this that adage. The toddler's recovery from a rare form of eye cancer is any short of a miracle. She beat all odds to defy that cancer unbeknownst to world she has been under much more sinister threat,her father-Ryan Lawrence. Mental illness is silent killer around the world. In Africa, myths, belief systems, stigmatization, policy issues or lack of it and gross under funding are major set backs to prioritization of mental health-mental health is an integral part of our overall that must be addressed. Ryan Lawrence What has prompted the biological father of a 21 month baby to beat, burn and bury in a watery grave in a creek after she fought to survive cancer? That is lot to digest considering a lot of factors particularly the mental health status of Ryan Lawrence. Mus...