4 Reasons Why Incest Is Unreported; Father and Brothers Raped Twin Sisters For A Decade
Action Plan
Many perpetrators of this horrible act of incest escape punishment from the law because incest in regarded as a taboo in many cultures,therefore, family sexual abuse is shrouded in secrecy and social stigma. Hidden from relatives, communities, schools, and neighbors, incest is under-reported,under-recognized, and often goes unpunished, leaving child victims to suffer in silence and adult survivors to manifest myriad psychosocial problems (Daie, Witztum, & Eleff, 1989).
I found the psychological torture the Hendersons’ twins had to go through most shocking.Their painful ordeal was brought to the world by The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011.
Until now this story was shrouded in all the secrecy that society can devise. Revulsion keeps people from discussing it; child abuse victims in court papers are sometimes listed with initials rather than names; newspapers almost never publish victims’ names, or defendants’ names; defendants escape notoriety for their crimes because naming them would identify victims.
Read the Story of their Chilling Childhood Below and Four Reasons Why it Took Them a Decade To Report The Abuse.
Father Rapes Girls When Mother Reported Rape By Her Two SonsAfter years of living in fear, Kellie and Kathie worked up the courage to tell their mother what was happening. She told the twins' father...and he raped them too.
My Recommendation
If you are/have ever been sexually molested by ANYBODY-even your family members/or relatives do not be afraid to REPORT that person and it NEVER too late. It is not your fault,and most importantly DO NOT ALLOW/her to go free.FREE yourself from psychological torture by first Confiding in a TRUSTED FRIEND like Kellie and Kathie.
Just come forward NOW
To request for help:
— The Wichita Eagle
— The Oprah Winfrey Show — Margaret Ballantine, PhD, MSW, LCSW-R, is an assistant professor of social work at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh.
— Lynne Soine, DSW, MSW, LMSW, is an associate professor and chair of the social work department at SUNY Plattsburgh.
Hundreds of perverts abuse children here every year and most of such criminals are men trusted in the home.
Many perpetrators of this horrible act of incest escape punishment from the law because incest in regarded as a taboo in many cultures,therefore, family sexual abuse is shrouded in secrecy and social stigma. Hidden from relatives, communities, schools, and neighbors, incest is under-reported,under-recognized, and often goes unpunished, leaving child victims to suffer in silence and adult survivors to manifest myriad psychosocial problems (Daie, Witztum, & Eleff, 1989).
I found the psychological torture the Hendersons’ twins had to go through most shocking.Their painful ordeal was brought to the world by The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011.
Until now this story was shrouded in all the secrecy that society can devise. Revulsion keeps people from discussing it; child abuse victims in court papers are sometimes listed with initials rather than names; newspapers almost never publish victims’ names, or defendants’ names; defendants escape notoriety for their crimes because naming them would identify victims.
For a Decade, Girls Endured the Horror at Home
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Their brothers and father sexually abused them most of their lives; their mother let it happen; and neighbors and police rescued them in 2005. Now 19 years old, twins Kellie, left, and Kathie Henderson say it will take a lifetime to recover- (The Wichita Eagle).
According to the twins, Andrew started molesting them when they were 5 years old and he was 10. At a time when most kindergartners are having play dates and living carefree lives, Kellie and Kathie were being fondled and molested in their own home—at the hands of a sibling. Soon, the twins' other older brother Matthew also began abusing them, and Kellie and Kathie say there came a time when they were being raped almost every day.
The Secret, as Kellie called it, began with her earliest memories, perhaps age three. Andrew began molesting the twins when he was 7 or 8 and they were 3 or 4. About a year before fifth grade, Andrew began to force intercourse.
The girls hated it. Kathie thought sometimes that dying would be a relief. By fifth grade they were getting raped every day, and Andrew had coaxed younger brother Matt to join in, before school, after school, at night, on weekends.
The girls complained, but the mother didn’t believe. They’d watch her drink vodka. At night the twins would hear footsteps, and one twin would feel a hand on her mouth.
Father Rapes Girls When Mother Reported Rape By Her Two SonsAfter years of living in fear, Kellie and Kathie worked up the courage to tell their mother what was happening. She told the twins' father...and he raped them too.
One day the mother, Lisa, finally suspicious, confronted her husband and demanded action. The girls took heart at this; he seemed angry. He beat Andrew, which was not unusual; he beat Lisa twice a week or more.
But after Brad Henderson beat Andrew he called the twins into his bedroom one at a time, and asked what his sons had done.“Show me,” he said.
After that he made the twins have sex with him too. Sometimes he made Kathie and Kellie put on their mother’s lingerie and walk around the bed while he watched them.
After he beat her up for challenging him, Lisa never confronted him again.
But after Brad Henderson beat Andrew he called the twins into his bedroom one at a time, and asked what his sons had done.“Show me,” he said.
After that he made the twins have sex with him too. Sometimes he made Kathie and Kellie put on their mother’s lingerie and walk around the bed while he watched them.
After he beat her up for challenging him, Lisa never confronted him again.
The Twins Assumed Sex At Home Was How Families Lived
One day, in fifth grade at Seltzer Elementary school, Kellie and Kathie sat staring as a teacher in health class took up sex education.The teacher said sex happens with couples in love, couples giving pleasure with affection, loyalty, trust.
Nothing about this surprised Kathie; she already knew her family was despicable. But every word dropped like a stone in Kellie’s ears, especially “couples.”
Nothing about this surprised Kathie; she already knew her family was despicable. But every word dropped like a stone in Kellie’s ears, especially “couples.”
She had assumed sex at home was how families lived. Now she knew better.She and her sisters had been told repeatedly to never tell.
Kellie went home that night filled with revulsion. She could see many things clearly now: Her brothers and father were raping her; she and her sisters were prisoners, trapped in a lie: They could not have friends, play sports, sleep over. They could not have a childhood. Their abusers denied them money, true friendships and food; the girls sometimes ate wallboard crumbling off basement walls. Andrew threatened to kill any girl who told. He beat them with fists if they resisted. He knocked out Kathie one day; there was no one to cradle her head. He dragged the girls to the basement nearly every day and raped them.
On the night after the sex lecture, when Andrew grabbed her, Kellie punched him, screaming that she now knew this was disgusting, this was wrong. Andrew knocked her down, grabbed an ankle, and dragged her to the basement. On the way down, her head hit every step.
Freedom From Decade Of Sexual Slavery At Home;Now, at 19, Kellie and Kathie are speaking out about their chilling childhood and the brave neighbors who helped them escape their abusers. "By coming forward, police tell us they have already had a profound impact on their hometown so we thought, 'Imagine the effect their story could have on our audience around the world.
- Failure to Recognize Abuse, Fear of Disclosure: Many children fail to identify themselves as victims of sibling incest. Older brothers or sisters may take advantage of the sexual naïveté of younger siblings to initially trick them into incestuous behaviors. Sexual behaviors are frequently couched in the context of play, and young victims are likely to find these activities pleasurable. The identification of themselves as victims is further compromised by the complex dynamics of the sibling relationship itself. A same-generation, “special,” affectionate relationship with the offender may be welcomed by a younger sibling in a family typically characterized as chaotic, dysfunctional, and relatively inattentive to that child’s needs.
- Abuse Obscured in Chaotic Families: Sibling sexual abuse victims often live in dysfunctional family environments that subtly foster incestuous behaviors and are not conducive to disclosing the secret. Sibling incest appears more likely to occur in large families characterized by physical and emotional violence, marital discord, explicit and implicit sexual tensions, and blurred intrafamilial boundaries.
- Emotionally and/or physically absent parents; may empower older siblings to assume parental roles. In short, these families are chaotic and unlikely to recognize the significance of behaviors occurring between siblings. If sexual behaviors are noticed, they are likely to be minimized and misinterpreted as a normal aspect of childhood development. Lack of adequate parental supervision provides perpetrators with ongoing opportunities to offend and protects the secret, leaving the victim vulnerable to continuing abuse (Asherman & Safier, 1990; Caffaro & Conn-Caffaro, 2005).
- Professional Failure to Identify Sibling Incest:While conducting comprehensive assessments of dysfunctional families, professionals are likely to focus on the more salient aspects of family dynamics, with only a superficial examination of sibling relationships. Similarly, when specific presenting problems are identified, professionals may not consider deeper exploration of sibling relationship dynamics as especially relevant. Because young sibling victims often appear free of trauma effects or other evidence of abuse and because they are likely to feel at least partially complicit with the behaviors, the indicators of sibling incest remain buried.
My Recommendation
If you are/have ever been sexually molested by ANYBODY-even your family members/or relatives do not be afraid to REPORT that person and it NEVER too late. It is not your fault,and most importantly DO NOT ALLOW/her to go free.FREE yourself from psychological torture by first Confiding in a TRUSTED FRIEND like Kellie and Kathie.
Just come forward NOW
To request for help:
vikkyjoks@yahoo.comBBM PIN;73DC50E8
— The Wichita Eagle
— The Oprah Winfrey Show — Margaret Ballantine, PhD, MSW, LCSW-R, is an assistant professor of social work at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh.
— Lynne Soine, DSW, MSW, LMSW, is an associate professor and chair of the social work department at SUNY Plattsburgh.
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