9MindWorks,helping you reach your full potentails

Hi Dear, 
Thank you for visiting this blog which I renamed 9MindWorks.  Kindly click URL@:
9jamindworks.blogspot.com for details

I am a trained Psychologist with years of experience as a Development Specialist, working with donors on key interventions that improved lives and rights of thousands of poor rural women,  children and adolescents and  key population like female sex workers. I am also a mental health writer, coach and advocate.

 9MindWorks  is a mental health magazine with simplified information to enable you reach your full potentials, regardless of your circumstances, culture,  race or color. Trending worldwide issues with its mental health impacts are also major highlights of 9MindWorks.

 Mental health advocacy,  demystification and destigmatization have been my passions since my undergraduate days when I launched the first BabySteps Psycholology Magazine, later calling it Joyce Psychology Magazine in a bid to get more local content awareness|attention and now 9MindWorks!!! For a more GLOBAL outlook and strategically interatcontents.

It has not been easy but the strides have been steady and fulfilling.

Thank you for your support, continue with me at 9MindWorks.

Follow me@ facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FacetimeMentalhealth/

 Twitter handle:9MindWorks_Mental health Magazine@joyceanthonia

Instagram@:Joyce Ojokojo_9MindWorks

Google+@:Anthonia Joyce Ojokojo


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